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Classes are supported by using maps. Therefore there is technically no difference between an object and a class. Inheritance is prototype-based.

MyClass = {
  "classID": "test",

MyClass.returnAnswer = function
  return 42
end function

instance = new MyClass

print(instance.returnAnswer) //prints 42

Classes can get defined by creating a new map. Optionally a classID can be set which is useful when using typeof. By using the new keyword you can spawn a new instance of the defined class. Essentially by calling new a __isa member gets set.


Class methods can make use of the self identifier. The self identifier will expose the currently called instance.

MyClass = {
  "classID": "test",
  "counter": 0,
} = function
  self.counter += 1
  return self
end function

instance = new MyClass
print(instance.counter) //print 3


Inheritance is handled through the __isa member. To call parent methods the super keyword can be used.

MyClass = {
  "classID": "test",

MyClass.returnAnswer = function
  return 42
end function

MySubClass = new MyClass
MySubClass.classID = "test-sub"

MyClass.returnAnswer = function
  return 123
end function

MySubClass.returnOriginalAnswer = function
  return super.returnAnswer
end function

instance = new MySubClass

print(instance.returnOriginalAnswer) //prints 42


The isa keyword can be used to identify instances.

MyClass = { "classID": "test" }

MySubClass = new MyClass
MySubClass.classID = "test-sub"

instance = new MyClass
subInstance = new MySubClass

print(instance isa MyClass) //prints 1
print(instance isa MySubClass) //prints 0

print(subInstance isa MyClass) //prints 1
print(subInstance isa MySubClass) //prints 1